Supporting CCHS Network
WestPrime Healthcare is proud to support the CCHS Network, an organization with a multi-focused mission of education and support of families of CCHS (Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome) patients and facilitating CCHS research to ensure independence and health for our members and families.
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS)
is an extremely rare disorder that affects the body’s ability to control basic functions, such as breathing during sleep. There are no available treatments to date beyond mechanical ventilation. The CCHS Network is casting a light on this orphan disease to ensure a brighter future for our small but determined community.
With decades of experience in Respiratory technology to manage invasive and non-invasive ventilation, aerosolized medication & oxygen delivery, WestPrime continues to support our members and families in their quest to remain healthy and independent.